Friday, October 3, 2008

Napoleon of the Stump.

Oh politics. Oh this lovely nation. Oh the retardation of certain vice presidential candidates. Here is my reply to the completely frustrating ploy in last night's debate by Palin to distract us from the fact that she does not know what the hell she is talking about.

Palin is just an extension of the Wal-Mart, Nascar fan, ignorant consumer culture (or lack of culture) that is engulfing America today. Environmentally speaking (apparently she loves the arctic--but no where else) she has absolutely no idea what she is talking about.It's called ecological consequences folks. Nothing comes for free and every decision we make will ripple into every other facet of living and the environment. It is sad that after all of these years we are still ignoring Rachel Carson and Aldo Leopold--we are exempt from the rules the rest of the world must live by because we are 'patriotic Americans'. Americans need to suck it up and deal with the fact that we live in a world much bigger than Wal-Mart, our Honor Roll student,and our monthly Book Club. Palin is a classic case of the disease of ignorance that is consuming our nation. I don't care if it changes your behavior, just get a reality check and know what the heck you are talking about when it comes to the world at large. Our poo stinks just like everyone else's and there is nothing more patriotic than the peace that comes from understanding and accepting that. I love America and am blessed to live here--blessed to have the opportunity to make this nation great as a part of the planet on whole. With the blessings of living in this country with so much knowledge,opportunity, and resources at our disposal, it is our duty to utilize all that we can not to lord over the world with a manifest destiny-like zeal for imposing democracy, but to first clean up our act and make our nation an example others will be proud to follow,and to help them do it. Palin needs to get out of her beauty queen Alaskan bubble, learn about the real world, and stop winking at the damn camera.


april said...

just like to say i heart joe biden. i actually wish he were the nominee for president because i just don't know much about obama. i actually like john mccain too because he is a moderate and i think we need more moderates (even if we need change - i want moderates with conviction), but palin does scare me and pretty much secured my vote for the obama camp. but she has made some great fodder for tina fey.

Nancy said...

yeah, she really as the deciding factor for me. Obama is just going to have to be good enough, because there is no way I can vote for her. And yes, the tina fey/amy poehler interview sums it up perfectly.

Ann said...

Yeah, it is all a little sad. I only saw as much of the debate as mu kids allowed me to, and I think America is seeing this as another campaign stunt. And Hannah, it was just a few years ago in England when you hit me for saying damn. If you are old enough to vote you are old enough to say damn.

Hannah Francis said...

yeah-- i know-- the only thing I ever really swear about is politics-- and it is so screwed up right now that i sadly don't even feel bad about it-- I feel like certain candidates are just asking for it!

susan m hinckley said...

Well as your mother I'm not even going to fault your language choice because I can see I raised you right and I'm happy to know that you can both pick an extraordinarily entertaining blog title and make a responsible choice when you vote. Swear away.